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You Can Not Do It All

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States provides, in part, that no State can "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property..."



In recent years, messages of female empowerment have found a greater presence in popular culture, but what about single mother empowerment. Many issues that affect single mothers every day are prevalent but very rarely you see them in the news. And although various companies seek to appeal to women through the use of empowerment messaging, they do not align these initiatives with solving the many issues single mother face.


As a result, The Single Mother Advancement Project (THESMAP) conducted research to find out how single mothers in different age groups perceive female and single mother empowerment, what messaging resonates best, and what brands would be most likely to reach women and single mothers by utilizing messages of simple women’s empowerment. To understand more about perceptions among women when it comes to female empowerment, the study addressed the following objectives:


  • We explored what empowerment means to single mothers in their daily lives and media consumption, and the relevance of different celebrities, movies, characters, brands, etc.

  • We explored to understand the reactions to single mother empowerment, feminist advertising, and related messages

  • We explored to determine what products, categories, and brands are a good fit for single mother empowerment messaging

  • We outlined the similarities and differences in sentiments across Teens, Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X.  


Ultimately, no matter the age, single mothers feel most empowered when they see single mothers who are similar to them and easy to relate to. Characteristics like intelligence, success, and kindness are just a few examples that make single mothers feel empowered. These characteristics can apply to any empowering single mother, not just celebrities. While a variety of celebrities do come to mind when thinking of empowering single mothers, respondents also enjoy empowering role models like themselves.


Single mother empowerment is most easily applied to beauty and athletic brands. There are a variety of cosmetic brands that have been using empowerment in messaging for some time, similar to athletic brands, so it makes sense that single mothers feel brands of this nature would best represent single mother empowerment messaging. These two industries also seem obvious choices for single mother empowerment since they exist to allow women to take charge of their bodies and looks.


Generational differences emerge when women are asked about sources and messaging of empowerment. While Teens, Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X find some common examples in empowering advertising, the sources vary. For example, Millennial and Generation X single mothers are more likely to find empowerment in nurturing roles, while Teens find it more frequently through personal accomplishments.



The empowerment of single mothers has five basic components: the single mother’s sense of self-worth; the single mother’s right to have and to determine choices; the single mother’s right to have access to opportunities and resources;  the single mother’s right to have power to control her own life, both within and outside the home; and the single mother’s ability to influence the direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally.



Education, training, awareness raising, building self-confidence, expansion of choices, increased access to and control over resources, and actions to transform the structures and institutions that reinforce and perpetuate systematic discrimination and inequality, are important tools for empowering single mothers to claim their rights. Below are 10 qualities that define mentally strong single mothers. These traits include being self-confident, productive, optimistic, a go-getter, a fear-tackler, caring, unafraid to stand up for what one believes in, proud, unbothered by what others say or think, and true to one’s self.



“Mental strength is not about your physical appearance or popularity or wealth, but rather about one’s character and taking care of oneself.”



Being a mentally strong single mother is not about how cute you look on any given day. It is not about being popular, and it’s not about earning the most money. It is about your character. It is being a good example for others and taking good care of yourself at the same time. All single mothers have this strength within you, and it is very important that you do not forget this. When you are going through rough times, such as depression and anxiety, or simply need to remember how awesome you are, come back to this resource and review The Single Mother Advancement Project’s Top 10 characteristics of mentally strong single mother!


Characteristic #1: She is “CONFIDENT”


Confidence is a HUGE part of being a mentally strong single mother. Being confident is a great sign of self-love, and it helps you to stay away from comparing. Be happy in your skin and at peace in your mind. Being confident is a great comfort. You can always go the extra mile by sharing your confidence with others, but at the end of the day, being confident is a personal accomplishment.


Characteristic #2: She is “PRODUCTIVE”


Our minds want to feel accomplished. Spending time on worthy causes and important matters keeps our minds happy. Mentally strong single mothers are constantly asking, “What else can I fit into my day?” This is a good way of thinking, but it is also very important to take breaks, breathe, and not overwhelm yourself.


Characteristic #3: She is “OPTIMISTIC & POSITIVE”


Mentally strong single mothers see the glass as half full and not half empty. You want to bring good vibes with you everywhere you go. It may not always be possible to display optimism and positivity at all times, but you want to do your best to keep a growth mindset as often as you can. Your brightness greatly impacts your moods and others’ moods as well.


Characteristic #4: She is a “GO-GETTER”


Being a “go-getter” is putting dreams into action. It is envisioning great opportunities in the future. When you envision positive outcomes, you are more likely to achieve those visions. Your mind thrives on creative and critical thinking. Chasing your dreams and working to make your powerful thoughts a wonderful reality is our definition of being a “go-getter,” and it is a great perspective to have in general!


Characteristic #5: She “TACKLES FEAR”


Mentally strong single mothers face their fears, problems, and issues. She tackles them head on, and she does not run away from them. Everyone runs into different fears throughout our lives, but it is how we handle them that will determine if we are being mentally strong. You have it in you to face your fears, but sometimes we don’t know how to do so. Time is the best solution to this confusion. Do not rush to overcome a fear, but you should definitely start taking steps toward the ultimate goal of overcoming the fear. Slow and steady often wins the race with this one!


Characteristic #6: She is “CARING”


Mentally strong single mothers take care of themselves, while also caring for others. It is necessary for you to develop positive relationships with yourself. We all want to be happy, and we have found that most of us who practice the concept of being kind are the happiest. You feel good about yourself when you are kind, and others want to be around you when you show kindness. This all falls under the category of caring. You are at your best when you are a caring and loving individual.




When you believe something is wrong in society, we speak up! Mentally strong single mothers do not watch others get bullied. Instead, they take action. Mentally strong single mothers for themselves and for others by displaying good morality and values in their everyday lives. In doing this, your positivity rubs off on others.


Characteristic #8: She is “PROUD”


Showing pride in yourself is not always being egotistical. We deserve to feel proud of ourselves and our accomplishments, and we deserve to share our pride. A mentally strong single mother remains respectful when feeling excited and proud. She does not feel the need to make others feel less important in the process.


Characteristic #9: She is “NOT PHASED BY WHAY OTHER PEOPLE SAY”


People make mistakes and say hurtful things at times, but a mentally strong single mother can overcome the “haters” by ignoring those comments. Ignoring these messages is difficult, but it is possible. We never want to feel defined by others, so you must learn to not be phased by the negativity that other people might bring into your life.


Characteristic #10: She is “TRUE TO HERSELF”


Last but certainly not least, mentally strong single mothers are completely and totally true to themselves. There is no need to change yourself to satisfy others, and you do not need to change to impress others. Showing that you are comfortable with the life you have been given is a major part of being true to ourselves, and loving our mind goes right along with that comfort.


Sometimes, it is easy to be mentally strong, and sometimes it is not. The Single Mother Advancement Project (THESMAP) says that all single mothers are capable of being mentally strong, and you all can find the best paths for your minds as you navigate through life. There are millions of single mothers who possess these 10 characteristics and do not even know it - “are you one of them?”


Let’s all work together to remind each other how mentally strong we are, and let’s support each other in our individual journeys. Lifting each other up and not putting each other down is the best way to advocate for the concept of “single mothers supporting single mothers” along with our overall theme of single mother empowerment. In other words, single mother empowerment with you.





What society believes about single mothers is not wrong; everyone is entitled to their opinion. In politics, the media and dinner party conversations, single mothers are often portrayed as a problem to be solved. According to the storylines and commentaries, they are clueless, irresponsible, lazy, morally lax, and unable to stop having children. They mooch off social welfare programs, the persistent stereotype goes, and would rather have more babies than hold down a job or pursue a career.


The Single Mother Advancement Project (THESMAP) understands why single mothers are stigmatized. Simply put, portraying them as undeserving and morally flawed makes it easier to justify denying them and their children their constitutional rights and other benefits. And as long as our national collective conscience continues to frame single mothers as unworthy, we will feel absolved of the responsibility to help them do right by their children.


Changing the narrative for single mothers with real change is The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) primary objective, and it’s a team effort. Contrary to popular belief, single mothers are not the root cause of poverty or social ills. In fact, once a single mom hits her stride, she often dedicates herself to helping other single mothers. So, share this list of the ways THESMAP commits to empowering single mothers with the single mothers in your life. Encourage them to take action to move their futures forward!

LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Leading by example is one of the most important ways you can empower a single mother. Young single mothers are deeply influenced by their role models, so make sure you are a good one. Celebrate different types of beauty, empower single mothers with kindness and strength, and encourage single mothers to make their aspirations a reality.

BE OPEN AND HONEST. Being open and honest can be tricky because it is not easy to be vulnerable. Sometimes it can be hard to share your experiences with others, but it can play an important role in giving other single mothers a voice. While it is important to share your own story, it is just as important to listen to the story of other single mothers and their experiences. There are tons of great resources out there to read, listen and share single mother narratives.


BECOME A MENTOR. Whether you find a mentorship program in your community or focus on inspiring your friends and sisters, being a mentor is a great way to inspire single mothers. Get together with a group of single mothers and encourage them to participate in empowerment activities.

BOOST A SINGLE MOTHER’S SELF-ESTEEM. Empowered single mothers empower others - so encourage the single mothers around you - make them feel special and strong! Encourage single mothers to speak up, and make sure they know the value of their opinions, so that they are never scared to use their voice. Encourage single mothers to be her authentic self and help her discover the real value of her life. We can NEVER move forward in life and really begin to live until we discover and accept the truth about yourself.


SHUT DOWN NEGATIVITY. Single mothers are constantly exposed to negativity as they are often held to unrealistic societal standards and labels. Lift single mothers up by taking a stance against marginalization. Combat negativity by promoting intelligence and authenticity. Do not be afraid to shut down negativity directly and honestly, your fellow single mothers will appreciate you.

HELP A NEW SINGLE MOTHER ADJUST. Whether it’s offering maximum maternity or paternity leave at your company or offering to donate babysitting services to a new single mother you know, helping a new single mother adjust is a great way to help empower single mothers. Giving a single mother some time to take care of herself helps her recharge; it also inspires and empowers us as well. So be sure to take care of the single mothers who show us love every day.

KEEP SINGLE MOTHERS EDUCATED. Education is crucial for empowering single mothers. According to the Pew Research Center and Statista, there are more than 17 million single mothers without secondary or higher education. One of the best ways you can empower single mothers is by supporting their education. When we’re armed with knowledge, we can make a difference.


SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS THAT EMPOWER SINGLE MOTHERS. Do what you can to support organizations that are committed to empowering single mothers. Whether you make a donation to, give your time, or refer a friend to an organization or  business that makes empowering single mothers a priority - your support matters.


SUPPORT SINGLE MOTHER BUSINESSES. Show your support for single mothers in your community by investing in the businesses they own. If you know an organization or company where single mothers hold most of the leadership roles, consider investing in, donating to, or doing business with these companies.

DONATE TO SINGLE MOTHER HOUSING. According to the Pew Research Center and Statista, 93% of the single mothers in the United States live in poverty. Single mother housing help provide single mothers with basic needs and social services. Contact your local single mother housing organizations to find out what resources they need and donate. Many single mother women shelters offer employment workshops, so think about donating your time and empower single mothers by helping them perfect their interview skills and identifying their work experience.

ADVOCATE FOR SINGLE MOTHER COLLEAGUES. Be an advocate for your female colleagues. For example, if you see single mothers experiencing unfair treatment, say something. When single mothers work together as a positive and powerful team to empower one another you make things move!

FIGHT AGAINST INJUSTICE. Stand up for single mother rights and be part of the process. Invite the inspiring single mothers you know to rally together at a local march, take your knowledge to the polls, write your representatives, and encourage other single mothers to join the fight for single mother rights. Throw on your favorite pointed toe flats, craft a witty sign, and get ready to take down injustice with an empowered group of single mothers by your side.




SINGLE MOTHERS WHO NEED PERSONAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. For information on individual financial assistance visit This website is a free, confidential tool, which helps individuals find government benefits they may be eligible to receive, as well as information on how to apply.



SINGLE MOTHERS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN OBTAINING MONEY FOR ATTENDING SCHOOL. The office of Federal Student Aid provides approximately $112 billion in grants, work-study, and loan funds each year to help pay for college or career school. For information on student grants and loans visit An additional resource is:



SINGLE MOTHERS WHO ARE INTERESTED IN STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS. The Small Business Administration (SBA) works to ignite change and spark action so small businesses can confidently start, grow, expand, or recover. The SBA is fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting expertise as the nation’s only go-to resource and voice for small businesses. For small business startup resources visit the Small Business Administration at



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