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The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States provides, in part, that no State can "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property..."




The Single Mother Advancement Project (THESMAP) is not here to empower you. We know that you already have everything you need to be successful. You have charm and wit and strength and power beyond what you think you’re capable of. The Single Mother Advancement Project (THESMAP) is here to make you aware of the knowledge and resources to learn more, do more, and achieve more.


Even empowered single mothers need a reminder of their own brilliance. Sometimes we don’t feel good enough, or smart enough, or capable enough to achieve the things we want in life. These qualities help you recognize how you can take full control of your life. Recognize your authentic and powerful self, go after your goals and dreams, and leave behind things that no longer serve you.


WHAT IS AN EMPOWERED SINGLE MOTHER? You are an empowered single mother because of your strength, power, skills, and unique life experiences that make you beautiful and authentic. You do not need permission to unleash our power; however, you are often not reminded of your brilliance, which leaves you feeling inadequate, not smart enough or not capable enough to achieve the things you want.


Know Who You Are. Self-awareness is the foundation for building confidence, and an empowered single mother knows exactly who she is. She knows her strengths, what she’s good at, what she loves doing, her core values and life beliefs, and how to use all of these things to make a difference in the world. An empowered single mother is authentic and knows how to show up as her best self every day.


Knows Your Worth. An empowered single mother knows what she is about, what she wants, and what she deserves. She knows that she is enough, just the way she is. An empowered single mother no longer needs to please other people or be affected by what people do or say about her. She does not define herself in her appearance, past mistakes, nor society’s expectations. An empowered single mother has boundaries and respects herself.


Love Yourself and Your Body. An empowered single mother knows that in order to love someone else, she must first love herself - all of herself, even her perceived flaws. She is gentle with herself when she makes a mistake, forgets something, or loses her car keys (again). An empowered single mother keeps negative self-talk at bay because she knows it doesn’t serve her. She understands that her body is not perfect, and she genuinely loves it anyway. An empowered single mother is comfortable in her own skin and cares for her body to keep it healthy.


Live Your Purpose. If every single mother lived her purpose, every need in the world would be met. An empowered single mother is a seeker. She takes steps to discover her life purpose and dedicates herself to living in a way that aligns with it. She knows that living her purpose will bring meaning and fulfillment to her own life, while improving the lives of those around her.


Communicate Effectively. An empowered single mother is capable of delivering her message and making herself understood. Instead of merely choosing the right words and saying things to manipulate or please others, an empowered single mother understands the importance of respect for the other party when voicing her point across. She does not let her emotions lead her in a conversation but rather engages with others in a calm and rational state.


Build Healthy Confidence. Confidence comes from taking action, and an empowered single mother understands this firsthand. She feels the fear and does hard things anyway. An empowered single mother applies for jobs that seem out of reach. She goes back to school to get a degree in a different field. She asks for a raise or promotion that is long overdue. An empowered single mother stands up for what she believes in, and she knows that all the while, she’s building healthy confidence. This confidence is contagious and will pave the way for future generations of single mothers to take action, build confidence, and change the world.


Never Stop Learning. An empowered single mother understands that learning is a lifelong process. She finds a way to grow and develop every day. She views failures as opportunities for growth, and she seeks to improve all aspects of her life, whether it is cultivating a gratitude practice, learning a new skill, or reading books. An empowered single mother appreciates the value of her mind and invests in it.


Stand Up for Your Beliefs and Challenge the Status Quo. Instead of going along with what society thinks is right, an empowered single mother is not afraid to challenge society rules and norms when she sees a problem. She takes risks against traditions graciously but determinedly because she refuses to behave in ways that go against her core beliefs just to please others.


Be Approachable and Amiable. An empowered single mother carries a genuine warm smile with her and does not discriminate against anyone. She opens her heart, and her pure intentions make others feel at ease with her. An empowered single mother gives off a calm and confident vibe and is open to communication from others. She makes an effort to see things from an outside perspective and welcomes new cultural viewpoints.


Show Vulnerability.  Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path. Thus, an empowered single mother understands that vulnerability allows her to be open to change as change requires serious, honest self-analysis. Being vulnerable also allows an empowered single mother to build intimacy with trusted people by allowing them to see her real self.


Give Wholeheartedly. An empowered single mother knows that there is more than enough to go around. She loves giving her time, talents, and treasure to causes she cares deeply about. An empowered single mother loves helping other women succeed, and she will be the first to show support to a friend who’s going through a difficult time. She knows that by giving, she’s not getting less. Rather, she’s creating more for everyone.


Empowering single mothers starts with you. Show your support for the single mothers around you by showing them they matter and reminding them of their strengths. Changing the narrative for single mothers and seeing real change is a team effort, so share this list with the single mothers in your life and encourage them to take action!




ADVANCED PRESENTATION SKILLS COURSE. Learn how to raise the bar from good to great. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Advanced Presentation Skills Train the Trainer Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Creating Key Messages

  • Developing Creative Approaches

  • Engaging Your Audience

  • Facing Challenging Questions

  • Feeling Wrong-Footed

  • Handling Awkward Situations

  • Making High-Stakes Presentations

  • Presenting to Small or Large Groups

  • Refreshing Current Skills

  • Tailoring Delivery for a Variety of Audiences



ASSERTIVENESS COURSE. Learn the skills and knowledge that enables you to communicate more confidently and effectively. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Assertiveness Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Closing Conversations

  • Dealing with Difficult People and Situations

  • Dealing with Feelings

  • Giving Clear Messages

  • Increasing Confidence

  • Learning the Art of Saying ‘No’

  • Managing Anger

  • Managing Conflict

  • Setting Boundaries



BUILDING RESILIENCE COURSE. Look at where you already feel resilient and the circumstances that can undermine your resilience. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Building Resilience Course helps single mothers with:


  • Building Confidence

  • Changing Default Behaviors

  • Determining What Happens Under Pressure

  • Identifying Strengths

  • Recognizing Undermining and Supporting Factors of Resilience

  • Understanding Resilience



BUSINESS NETWORKING COURSE. Learn how to put yourself and others at ease and how to easily join and leave groups. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Business Networking Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Building Rapport

  • Choosing Your Impact

  • Feeling More Confident

  • Introducing Yourself

  • Having Fun

  • Leaving a Conversation

  • Networking Face-to-Face

  • Networking Remotely

  • Talking with Ease



CHANGE MANAGEMENT COURSE. Learn how to make potentially difficult situations more manageable. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Change Management Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Avoiding the Tyranny of Positivity

  • Becoming an Agent for Change

  • Dealing with Resistance

  • Getting Creative with Solutions

  • Managing Difficult Changes

  • Managing Others Through Change

  • Preparing for Impending Changes

  • Understanding the Impact of Change



COACHING AND MENTORING COURSE. Discover ways to hand the issues back and encourage your colleagues to find the solutions for themselves. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Coaching and Mentoring Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Dealing with Confidence Issues

  • Developing Professionally

  • Doing Telling and Coaching

  • Learning the Value of Patience

  • Listening and Responding

  • Motivating and Guiding

  • Providing Effective Feedback



COMMUNICATION SKILLS COURSE. Learn good communication skills must be developed, honed, and added to on an on-going basis. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Communications Skills Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Building Communication Confidence

  • Building Your Communication Toolkit

  • Communicating Harmoniously

  • Learning Body Language and Non-Verbal Cues

  • Learning the Elements of Communication

  • Communicating Remotely

  • Practicing Effective Communication



CONFLICT MANAGEMENT COURSE. Learn to change what you do, what you say and how you say it, to create better outcomes. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Conflict Management Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Achieving Resolutions Through Conflict Management Techniques

  • Assessing Conflict Risk

  • Choosing Appropriate Conflict

  • Creating Win-Win Outcomes

  • Dealing with Strong Feelings

  • Defusing Blame

  • Delivering Bad News

  • Finding and Feeding the Solution

  • Turning Arguments and Ongoing Conflicts Into Discussions

  • Using Honesty and Agreement

  • Working With Difficult People



CREATIVE STRATEGIC THINKING COURSE. Boost your creativity and improve your innovative thinking skills. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Creative Strategic Thinking Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Assessing Risk and Solution Creativity

  • Contingency Plans

  • Creating Vision and Strategic Goals

  • Creating Flexible Strategies

  • Creating Future Strategy for Personal and Business Growth

  • Generating Ideas

  • Learning How to Brainstorm

  • Managing Obstacles

  • Taking the Next Steps



CUSTOMER SERVICE COURSE. Learn how to build your confidence and create positive customer experiences. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Customer Service Course is designed to help single mothers with:


  • Building Customer Loyalty

  • Defining Good Customer Service

  • Dealing with Abuse

  • Delivering a Positive Experience

  • Finding The ‘Human Moment’

  • Gaining Confidence

  • Handling Difficult Customers

  • Listening and Responding to Customers

  • Taking Care of Yourself

  • Using Empathy



INFLUENCE AND NEGOTIATION COURSE. Learn how to expand your capacity to influence and deal with tricky negotiations. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Influence and Negotiation Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Compensating Not Compromising

  • Creating a Negotiation Strategy

  • Defining Influencing

  • Developing Influencing Techniques

  • Expanding Your Spheres of Influence

  • Making Impactful Briefings

  • Recognizing Pressure Not Coercion

  • Seeing Other Points of View

  • Understanding Group Dynamics

  • Working with Tricky Scenarios



INFLUENCING SKILLS COURSE. Learn how to get the people around you to see things slightly differently. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Influencing Skills Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Creating Trust

  • Developing Stakeholders

  • Expanding Your Spheres of Influence

  • Focusing Your Energy

  • Influencing Without Authority

  • Learning Internal and External Influence

  • Learning the Dynamics of Influencing

  • Learning Your Personal Strengths

  • Seeing Their Point of View



INTERPERSONAL SKILLS COURSE. Learn to communicate effectively, interact, and work with individuals and groups. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Interpersonal Skills Course is a free course designed to help you improve your interpersonal skills. This course will help single mothers with:


  • Assessing Your Current Skills Set

  • Creating an Action Plan

  • Reflecting on Your Growth



LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE. Learn how to develop your individual leadership style so you can inspire and motivate others. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Leadership Training Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Becoming a Mentor on Your Leadership Journey

  • Changing What You Do and Personal Development

  • Delegating

  • Empowering and Inspiring Others on your Leadership Journey

  • Going Beyond Stereotypes

  • Handling Emotions in Leadership

  • Leading in a Remote World

  • Leading by Example with Authentic Leadership

  • Learning Effective Leadership Behaviors and Core Leadership Competencies

  • Managing Group Dynamics

  • Understanding the Different Aspects of Leadership

  • Working with Difficult People



MEDIA SKILLS COURSE. Learn to speak to the press or present your organization to the media. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Media Skills Course will help single mothers with:


  • Answering Difficult Questions

  • Learning How to Be on Camera

  • Learning How to Get Your Message Across

  • Learning the Demands of Different Media

  • Learning What to Ask Beforehand

  • Participating in Face-to-Face Interviews

  • Participating in Remote vs In-Person Interviews

  • Preparing for the Media

  • Sharing Your Passion

  • Understanding Your Rights



NEGOTIATION SKILLS COURSE. Highlight the skills and qualities you already use, learn new ones, and hone them all for more effective use. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Negotiation Skills Course is a free course that will help single mothers with:


  • Building Relationships

  • Eliciting Information

  • Holding Your Ground

  • Maintaining Flexibility

  • Preparing for Negotiations

  • Understanding the Rules

  • Working From Their Point of View

  • Closing The Deal

  • Playing the Game

  • Increasing Confidence



PERSONAL IMPACT COURSE. Learn about the positive or negative effect of an individual's actions on other people or other people on them. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Personal Impact Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Changing and Behavior Learning

  • Discovering and Setting Personal Boundaries

  • Identifying Feelings and Assumptions

  • Improving Your Impact

  • Learning How Things Can Go Wrong

  • Learning to Use Impactful Language

  • Understanding Body Language

  • Understanding Your Impact on Others

  • What Makes an Impact



POWER OF PURPOSE COURSE. Learn to manage stress and daily challenges through the power of purpose. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Power of Purchase Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Creating a Plan to Bring Action to Purpose

  • Defining What Your Purpose in Life Is

  • Exploring Where and How You Matter

  • Looking at Your Core Strengths and Abilities

  • Understanding How Values Underpin Purpose

  • Understanding Who You Are vs What You Do

  • Unpicking What Gets in the Way of Leading a Purposeful Life



PRESENTATION SKILLS COURSE. Boost your confidence so you can enjoy presenting and engaging your audiences. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Train the Trainer Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Building Confidence

  • Crafting Your Style, Flair, and Presence

  • Developing Your Style

  • Enlivening Your Presentations

  • Feeling Wrong-Footed

  • Handling Your Nerves

  • Identifying What Already Works

  • Stretching Your Capacity



PROJECT MANAGEMENT COURSE. Learn how to get the best out of all of those involved. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Project Management Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Defining Exciting Project Outcomes

  • Generating Ideas

  • Giving Effective Feedback

  • Involving People in Your Project

  • Managing Remotely

  • Motivating the Team

  • Moving Projects On

  • Understanding People

  • Understanding the Processes and the Manager

  • Using Communication as a Management Tool



PUBLIC SPEAKING COURSE. Learn to structure your material for the biggest impact and speak effectively to any audience. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Public Speaking Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Building Your Confidence

  • Dealing with Your Feelings

  • Handling Nerves

  • Learning How Public Speaking Works

  • Learning to Identify What Already Works for You

  • Learning Why We Get Anxious

  • Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

  • Preparing for Public Speaking

  • Telling a Story



STORYTELLING STRATEGICALLY AND EFFECTIVELY COURSE. Learn to communicate with passion and engage directly with peoples’ feelings. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Train the Trainer Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Bringing Facts and Figures to Life

  • Creating a Compelling Narrative

  • Creating Buy-In

  • Demystify Telling a Story

  • Making Presentations Dynamic

  • Strategically Telling Your Story

  • Structuring a Story



TIME MANAGEMENT COURSE. Learn which time management issues apply to you and how to put together a plan designed to help you improve. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Time Management Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Avoiding Being Deflected

  • Distractions in the Workplace

  • Getting Your Priorities Right

  • Effective Delegation

  • Learning How to Say ‘No’

  • Minimizing Wasted Time

  • Planning and Prioritizing Work

  • Self-Motivation

  • Setting Clear Goals

  • Unexpected Time Stealers



TRAIN THE TRAINER COURSE. Enliven, inspire, and motivate people with new coaching skills. The Single Mother Advancement Project’s (THESMAP’s) Train the Trainer Course is a free course that helps single mothers with:


  • Adapting Your Style

  • Changing the Dynamic

  • Changing Tack Quickly

  • Handling Delegates’ Anxieties

  • Matching the Training Material to the Situation

  • Making Learning Exciting

  • Meeting People’s Needs

  • Surprising Your Participants

  • Working Your Room as an Effective Trainer

  • Working with Difficult People



Be a Catalyst for Change

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